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God Gets on My Nerves

Updated on September 27, 2022
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People distance away from religious subjects because society teaches they're taboo, Read instead. It's hard to argue with an article.

Getting Personal With Christianity 8


Sometimes. to hear Him talk makes me want to slap Him silly. I cannot stand how annoying He can be and self-righteous!

I cannot get a word in many times and He makes me feel excluded when He starts talking about things that I don't know.

I feel like I hate Him sometimes. It is hard to remember to love Him when I am feeling these feelings.

He scares me.

I am intimidated by Him sometimes but I want so much to be in His company because I think that He is cool.

I try to get along with Him by talking about the things that I think He is interested in. He seems to be interested in me, my happiness.

Sometimes I just feel like I am making a fool of myself.

God Gets on My Nerves


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It would then make sense that if we provide a disservice to anyone, we do so in the name of the God that we worship.

How could I Write these things?

There are several points that I can make to explain my reason for stating the things that I have written above. I am sure if you have continued reading that some of you have figured out my reasons.

I love God. We are all created in His image. Any time that we take it upon ourselves to treat each other in any degree of evil or good, we are only doing so to the God we profess to worship. Jesus Christ teaches " Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40 Though He spoke in a parable when instructing His disciples, His intention is that we serve Him by serving each other. We serve Him by how we treat each other.

King Benjamin, an ancient king, and prophet, in his address to his subjects before relinquishing his kingdom to his son, Mosiah, said, almost 200 years before Christ, "I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:16

It would then make sense that if we provide a disservice to anyone, we do so in the name of the God that we worship. If only when we thought of God when we spoke to each other.

I Punched God in the Throat

I went to the park one summer to participate in the camp program that it offered. It was a paid program at Arcola Lakes Park. God's name was Prince and He continuously provoked me to the point that I decided to become vexed by His very presence.

God challenged me to a fisticuff. Since He was larger than I, I made the first strike. I punched Him clean in the throat and He started choking and crying repeatedly "Why did you punch me in the throat?"

I tried to pretend that I was not phased by God's pain, but it hurt me inside and I felt bad that I had hit Him. I felt ashamed. I feel ashamed. I was already that bad boy at camp, being that my brother and I did not pay to get into the camp, but sneaked in and included ourselves in the program. Now I had punched God.

I Pretended God Called Me a N*gg*r

God was called Rick Barger. He was a tall wiry guy. An iteration of the devil called Kovi told me that God called me a n-gger. I knew that He did not, but the devil told me that if I did not take out my revenge on God I was a coward.

I went to this tall God and feigned anger. I worked myself up to push Him. He tried with all his might to avoid a fight with me, but I just kept pushing God until He snapped!

We fought, and I punched God in the stomach repeatedly since He was too tall for me to reach His face. He towered over me, but I fought Him like a little lion. God, however, beat the tar out of my body. He avoided my face, luckily for me.

We became enemies for several minutes but ended the fight at the class bell. As we left the gym where we fought, we looked at each other and started again in front of the gym teacher! I climb God like a mountain and put Him in a headlock.

I feel bad about how I provoked God to anger when He had done nothing to me ... ever! He never called me a name. I deserve the week of bruises and soreness God gave me after fighting Him.

I called God a B-Word

I called my best friend that name and it wounded her and me. Though I was angry when I said it, the sting of it coming out of my mouth, a person who does not use that type of language, hurt even more!

What is the point of this article?

Everything that we do, we do to God.

He has given us the chance to serve each other and therefore counts it as service to Him. If we do evil things to each other, it will count against us as evil to Him. How can we say we love God and hate our neighbor?

We cannot. Our neighbor is God! We are literally serving or hurting God. The riots in Ferguson are directed toward God. The mean things we say online are towards God. We fail to think of this as Christians as most of us in the USA identify with the Christian tradition. Jesus teaches that

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? ... He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.

But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes ... Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 4:20, 1 John 2:9, 1 John 2:11 and 1 John 3:15 respectively.

We will be expected to account for our actions and thoughts--our racism and bigotry. How can we love God who is not with us personally if we cannot even love the people we live with daily? We must learn to love as God loves, which is hard, to say the least!

It is possible; but, it may take a lifetime of dependence on the Atonement of Christ. We must remember that we are not perfect, but through Christ's power, we can truly learn to love God by loving all those around us.

We need to start now. We seek forgiveness and continue to repent until we are perfected in love by the power of Jesus Christ.

What is the power?

He suffered for the sin so that we can be spared from it if we accept His sacrifice and change our behavior and thoughts. This will take time; but Christ will help us throughout the changing process until we are like He is: pure.

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What major sin against God (neighbors) do you notice?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Rodric Anthony Johnson


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